• I dream of the day when these, the African mathematicians and computer specialists in Washington and New York, the African physicists, engineers, doctors, business managers and economists, will return from London and Manchester and Paris and Brussels to add to the African pool of brain power, to enquire into and find solutions to Africa's problems and challenges, to open the African door to the world of knowledge, to elevate Africa's place within the universe of research the information of new knowledge, education and information -Thambo Mbeki, former South African President
  • They therefore concluded that “the findings of this (and other) surveys indicate that coverage of Africa, by the leading sources of American media is, at best, dismissive of the continent’s progress and potential, and thus leading to continued ‘exotification’ and marginalization of the African continent. At worst, coverage disregards recent trends toward democratization, thus betraying an almost contemptuous lack of interest in the potential and progress being achieved on the continent.”

Above excerpt is from a writer: Gbemisola Olujobi

  • By Gbemisola Olujobi - The Africa You Need to Know - Posted on Nov 28, 2006 See Full Article above

Why is the African image so negative?

  • Tell the Truth
  • What is your image of Africa?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hiding behind 'Freedom of Speech'

Freedom of speech is what makes America unique.

Freedom of speech allows the $40 billion industry of child and adult pornography to sail through without police stops.

Freedom of speech allows the internet to harbor defilers, pedophiles, perverts and all kinds of criminals targeting innocent children, men and women.

Freedom of speech allows racial profiling and discrimination to excel without hurdles.

Freedom of speech has given authors like Palin to 'go rogue' on the facts.

Freedom of speech allows the media to exaggerate, manipulate and sensitize the public. Once the public is energized with that mess, no stone is left unsaid.

Freedom of speech has let Google stoop to the lowest - when it didn't immediately remove or stop the monkey-like image of Michelle Obama circulating online. How pathetic and low class!

As long as we are a democracy, a free and brave country for all, we'll always hide behind the freedom of speech.

That's how we roll.