It's just like any other major city in the world. It has it's great side, wonderful experiences and once a lifetime experience. It also has it's Oakland CA side, it's Reo De Janeiro side and most def, it has the the best, the good and the ugly. Look at the skyscrapers, the all glass commercial buildings around town. Now, Nairobi also brags of some of the best restaurants in Africa...and may be the world, and great hotel service and extras you would never get anywhere else. Transportation from one corner to the other is plenty and fast. I'm not biased, it's the truth, and the truth better be told. Just like any other capital city, you'll find museums, up scale malls, theaters, large sports arenas, movie venues, dance clubs, shopping centers, central business district and more.
How about the people of Nairobi?. Very friendly, may be more than friendly. It depends on where you are, what you are doing, what you look like and how you present yourself. Just like in any other city, do not over expose your currency, do not show you've got more than the president and do not show all the credit cards in your wallet. No one wants to see them. People are scared of debt, and that's why you should keep it to yourself. Do not pretend you know best cuz you are from the west, or 'majuu'(States, i think). Kenyans and Nairobians happen to be some of the most educated, smart and knowledgeable people on earth. Look at the President of the United Sates! Sorry, i said that. Look around, no one thinks it's true....not even CNN or BBC, who will instead show you the animals and disease stricken communities. Well.. there's that too, but it's part of nature. America, Europe, Asia and the Latins have diseases, poverty, and things that Africans have never heard of .....they need to show that on TV too. It's scary. Back to my point below.
While in Nairobi, say hello, smile and be kind. Humans respond to that. Show respect, and do not pretend like you know it all, you don't.
The food is probably the best you'll ever have. Let's start with nyama choma (roasted over fire goat meat), could be other things like crocs, ostrich, zebra, buffalo), but no sweat, if you don't have excess to spend on game, go for the goat, it's superior!! Chapatis, samosas, irio, githeri and pilau are just some of the best. Fish is the best, as it comes from Lake side, and best place on earth? Mombasa, the Kenyan Coast. White becheas underneath neat palm trees. Since Kenya is made up over 42 tribes, there is a fusion of food just about anywhere you are. Just ask, Nairobians like to be asked, and expect extra words...look at me!! No one even asked me...and I'm telling about Nairobi.!
The style of Nairobians, depends on where you are and what you like! There is the upper middle class, the elite who swagger upwards. Those that have it all, but still hustling for more. You'll find them at the hot pricy joints shopping, showing off or simply having fun they deserve. They work hard!! Nairobi people do.They reside in well manscured mansions and town homes. They have armed guards watching over property and life is good. They ride in some hot cars, and they als actually take public transport...i think that's smart. Then comes the middle class, who are educated, smart, intelligent, hard working folks who have it together - and they work even harder to get more. They also live large in huge homes. But there is one thing to note about Nairobians, they are not stressed with life, they don't overwork and they don't get all $$ obsessed. They have quality of life, and they value family, relationships and life. Then, there is the working poor who have less than they would like to have. They work hard to provide for their families, and they have their priorities straight. Working to provide a better opportunity for their families. I admire that.
Night life? It's been in existence since Adam was made. Nairobians love to party, and hang out and drink and talk and meet up to show off latest trends in clothes, cars, and stuff. It's normal, it happens everywhere. There is a sense of pride in who you are if you feel good about yourself! I love that, and Nairobians love it too. Majority are also Christians, they were raised that way, but they like to run so as to feel like they chose a religion for themselves.....but it's OK, once a follower of Christ, still is...that's my opinion. There are plenty of churches, temples and other places. If no church for you...there is Uhuru Park, serene, sunny and safe now.
Buying things in Nairobi??? mmmmhhh....best time ever. You can bargain, and it feels good. You can choose to shop like the Artur bros, or you can choose to be wise, clever and informed. Forget the department stores and gisty places, go second hand, bargain and help the folks who work their necks off feeding their families. Shopping for food? Nakumatt is great, has everything you'd ever need, but the local kiosks and supermarkets, have all you must ever need in your kitchen. Veggies and fruits are fresh, tastier and better from the vendor stands. Milk is even cheaper, coz it comes as you need it, not in a jerrycan.
Eating out? choose local, but once in a while treat yourself to some Italian/French/Asian cuisine. My favorite foreign food in Kenya is found at Palacina Restaurant. Great ambiance, delicious and generous servings, live band and a serene atmosphere...I will be forever grateful for my sister who treated my husband and I to the most romantic dinner (celebrating our 3rd anniversary), they had rose petals all around our table, dedicated a song to us, and boy did i feel loved! It was the best. Joyce is an amazing hard working woman. A wife and a mother that is strong and dedicated and has the will to maintain.
School for your kids? There are plenty of schools, just go where you are comfortable. International folk choose multi-national schools, can be expensive, but OK. Education is important. Kenya produces some of the most educated people in the world. Again, every city does. Everyone wants their city to produce the best. Mine does. I love Nairobi!
Enough info for now. Nairobi is a thriving community of multi-national, extra lingual persons, who are dedicated, work hard, and believe there is nothing wrong with Nairobi. It's just like any other city in the world.
It has it's ugly side too. A few pointers: If you can't drive, don't. Carry enough cash for what you need. Leave the rest at home. Don't go out after dark by yourself. Take a cab, and it's cheaper. Do not ask for directions from strangers. Go to the veggie vendor and ask on how to get there. Ask a guard or enter one of the stores, and the Indian owner will direct you. Smile and be safe. Just like you'd do in any other city. They are all the same!
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